Vogue Polska and SEXED.PL launch a special helpline for people affected by violence
The SEXED.PL Foundation and Vogue Polska has launched the SEXED.PL Helpline, which is available at +48 720 720 020 as of November 25 and is intended to offer help to people experiencing, inflicting and observing violence. The foundation has also initiated a social campaign raising awareness about what violence is and how it can be noticed. All this to counteract violence at the earliest possible stage, particularly in intimate relationships.
The SEXED.PL Anti-Violence Helpline was launched with financial support of our Partner, Vogue Polska and Kasia Jordan-Kulczyk. “Since its very beginnings, Vogue Polska has demonstrated the courage to handle difficult and important issues, including the need for reliable sex education. I am glad we can support the SEXED.PL Foundation, which actively and consistently promotes not only sex education, but also equality, empathy and tolerance,” explains Kasia Jordan-Kulczyk.
The campaign is accompanied by a series of articles on violence published on Vogue.pl. In these articles, Vogue journalists and our experts show that violence has many faces. Every article contains the information about the SEXED.PL Anti-Violence Helpline.